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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Commercial Cleaning Tips

7/22/2022 (Permalink)

Springtime cleaning is a regular tune we have all heard as the warmer weather brings in sunny days and
springtime showers. Flowers and trees begin their springtime blooming, and a general, "I can't wait to get
outside," feeling hots many of us. With a lot of us being couped-up for the winter, dust, allergens,
bacteria, pet-dander, etc., simply begin to show more. A clean environment is more welcoming and can lead to more customers
feeling comfortable in your place of business as well. See below for a few ideas on cleaning your
commercial facility.
Let's start with the outside.
Landscaping - Making the outside of your business look good is just as important as the inside. It's all about presentation! Now is not the time to let the weeds take over. Start by mowing the grass, pulling/spraying the weeds, clearing-up the brush over-hang and some tree trimming if needed. Also, if you like to add color, plant some flowers, or flower pots around the area; fresh blooms always brighten
the day. Windows - Squeaky clean windows not only provide a clear view through to your customers and guests,
they also look good as opposed to gritty, dirty windows. Check caulking around the windows; this is a major factor letting cool air out in the summer and warm air out in the winter. While your at it, check the
window seals. Make sure the windows provide what they were manufactured to do, a tight fit that won't
allow air to escape and won't allow water to seep-in.

HVAC - test run your system while the air outside is pleasant. Make sure there are no unfamiliar smells.
Check for worn-out parts that need replacement. Also, change the filter(s) if needed. A good idea is to
check the vents as well. Have the dust/debris build-up removed, and check for any pests that might have
taken up a home in your system. It's easier to have the pests taken care of then to put it off, and have to
close your business while its fumigated or fogged.
Don't forget the inside! Have the carpets cleaned, especially the high-traffic areas. Customers walking
thru your business can create dirt build-up on carpets and floors. Have the furniture, desks, chairs, etc.,
all cleaned and dusted off too.

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