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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Flooding Event

6/29/2022 (Permalink)

Floods cause more damage in the United States every year than any other weather related disaster. In
some years, floods can easily exceed over $1 Billion in damage to properties and crops.
A study of over 700,000 commercial businesses and residential properties were surveyed and concluded
that flooding, annually, can cost over $22 Billion in direct loss output and over $24 Billion in lost output
due to downtime. The value of buildings decreases in flood-prone areas as structure damage occurs,
and this also affects the area economically as well.
Most areas prone to flooding aremainly around the eastern and the southeastern United States, with
Florida, Pennsylvania and New York as high-risk areas.
A few ways to safely handle floods are as follows:
-Stay away from running water. Never try to cross a fast moving stream of water. It only takes 6-inches of
rapidly moving water to cause a human to lose ground and be swept away. This is especially the case
while trying to cross on foot, as it is difficult to see or know what is under your feet under the flood water.
-Keep children away from flood areas, contaminated water and fast-moving water. Children are naturally
curious, and likely don't have the ability to determine the safety issues with foul water or a fast moving
stream of flood water. They can be swept away in an instant.
-If you encounter water while driving, DO NOT attempt to cross. In may cases people believe the weight
of their vehicle will keep them safe. This is not the case; due to flood waters rising and moving quickly,
usually there is no way to determine the depth of the water. With less than 2-feet of fast moving water,
you and your passengers can be swept away.
Unfortunately, the national average for annual flood deaths in the United States is 33 per-year. Always
follow the strictest safety guidelines when dealing with flood waters; this can assure you, your family, and
friends make it home safely without injury.

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