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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Commercial Buildings

6/29/2022 (Permalink)

Insurance costs vary from home to home, but in a commercial facility/building, they can be an entirely
different element.
Businesses that are set-up differently can be more costly, usually due to hazardous and/or flammable
chemicals on-site, and/or various types of equipment used in the manufacturing process. Due to the
chemicals, and some of the liquids, products, gases, etc., used in the manufacturing process, these
facilites pose a greater fire risk than an average home.
Buildings that are constructed of wood rather than a fire-resistant material are more costly, due to the
greater combustability, as the fire can spread quite quickly. In most cases, you will see industrial
buildings, manufacturomg facilites, petrol based plants, processing plants, machine shops, and many
others constructed of metal, with all fire suppression systems in place. Many cites, county's and
municipalities have strict fire suppression codes that must be followed. These codes are in place to not
only limit the spread of fire, but to also limit damage to the building and of course, to save lives and
Also, business owners should have the proper equipment on-site, such as; fire-alarms and detectors, fire
suppresion systems; sprinklers, fire extinguishers, etc., and of course the proper first-aid kit. Owners
should always have bavk-up systems in place for the alarms and fire-suppression system. If a power
outage occurs, battery back-up is a popular option.
Geographically speaking, the proximity to a loca fire station can also play a role in insurance premiums.
How close is your facility to the nearest fire station?
A 3-minute repsonse time, or a 12 minute response time? This factor also plays an important role in
considering the location of your business facility.

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